Hi all, I'm new to Avast antivirus

I just recently installed the free version of Avast, my question is, is there a license with the free version?

Thank you

NO…you just need to register for a free year…then after a year, you register again

Thank you very much! :slight_smile: This is going to take some getting used too. I had Norton for many years, but recent problems forced me find another antivirus.


I have another question, does avast automatically update or do I have to do it. If I do, where do I check for the updates?
Thanks again

Here is a little video that Bob made … Although it is for windows 8 the premise is the same http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utlRAxGyTnM

EDIT: Avast auto updates, just install and forget ;D

Thanks, so you’re saying it is an auto update?
