I am new to the forum I have had a quick search of my problem but I am unable to find anything similar.
I have moved the whole ADNM including Db to a new server, I cannot get the clients to look for the new server
I have stoped the services on the old server and tried aswchams ... on the clients and successfully pointed it to the new server but when I tell it to update it updates from the internet.?
Also I have successfully managed to deploy avast to a client from the new server but after re-boot ing the client and refreshing ADNM it does not show any connection details even that it does not have avast installed.
(Thats how I did it on the old server successfully).
• Try manually changing the AMS name on the clients. To do this, log on as an
administrator, open the file avast\data\avast4.ini, and change the entry
ServerAddress= to indicate the address of the new AMS. Delete the line with
the entry LastServerAddress=xxx. Then start the Registry Editor, navigate to
HKLM\Software\ALWIL Software\avast\4.0\SS, and delete the values
ServerAddress and LastServerAddress. Finally, restart the “avast! NetAgent”
Still not looking to new server.
I have spent 2 days off and on looking at this I know you guys
dont like to spoon feed those who dont look for themselves
but honestly I have tried!!
is the client not looking to the new server or is the client unable to find the server…
in hte later case check if the server is running firewalls that block incoming traffic, if it is then R(TF)M to see which ports should be opened…
check also if all the services are running
i assume u redeployed the client from the new server over the old client…
try this:
download the avast uninstaller tool (google it)
run it on one client and reboot
deploy the avast on the cleaned up machine and see what happens
if it goes to the new server u know what to do (probably unfortuantely)
if it doesnt go to the new server then something is blocking communications somehow (the deploying ports are different from the update ports)
I recommend restore old AMS server from backup (if any and then proceed according to the manual
if clients looks for old server, maybe try change or add IP of new server… I’m not sure if it could help, first possibility I preferred)