Please Help me Avast Free has disabled and removed my Paladinz, Smite and Diagnostic tools and now when I click the exe it says the files is no longer available.
What OS/SP ?
What exact version of avast ?
Any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
What is the detecting message that avast shows ?
I have Windows 7 SP1 the last thing I remembered is the message prompt saying “do you want to run the file” I click allow but suddenly it eat my hi rez launchers.
- I tried to un install but the Hi Rez installer keep saying “no exe or uninstaller”.
- I tried to re install the Hi Rez but it says “Their is no need because the launcher is already installed.”
- I tried to look for Avast log or in vault but it has no record of filtering the incident.
- I also found thread that having trouble with avast directly related to my case
It is my 1st time encountering this problems
Report it to avast >