Hello! It seems at though for the past month or so, my Avast has been hogging up all the CPU on my computer at random times several times a day. These spikes in CPU usage sometimes last for up to ten seconds, and basically make it impossible to do any other task on the computer (gaming, homework, music listening) until it calms down again. I’ve tried to do a full clean reinstall of the Avast software, but to no avail. I end up having to resort to disabling shields, but even then during the middle of the disabling of the active shields, it still uses up CPU randomly! I’ve attempted full system scans with Malwarebytes, but no viruses or infected files turn up that would explain it away as merely some virus disguising itself as avast! Service. Help, please?
Can you please run “Task Manager” (taskmgr.exe) and when you observe “avastsvc.exe” process (Avast services) consumes high CPU, please right click on “avastsvc.exe” and select “Create dump file”. It’s the only way how we can find out why service uses high CPU on your computer. Thanks!
Hi I have the same problem which has only started today
The problem I have is that the usage is so high 60-70 % that so far it is impossible to getr my mouse to respond quickly enough to create dump file before usage drops
Or do I wait til usage is normal ? Will that create useful info ?
Thank you for your quick response! Attached is the dump file made during the latest spat of high CPU usage (average 70%, maxed out at around 80% I think for a second or two)
I have a constant 13% CPU usage by AvastSvc.exe. Also, the cursor turns into an hourglass and blinks constantly. If I stop the Avast Antivirus service, everything is normal.
I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing the software, but the problem persists.
I did not experience any issues with Avast until the latest upgrade.
You need to do this:
@ doseas2
What avast version are you using, the latest version number is 2016.11.2.2262 ?
Of course stopping the AV main service will stop the activity - avast is a resident AV and it scans files when they are accessed.
I don’t know where you get the hour glass turning from that isn’t an avast feature.
The avast tray icon rotates when it is scanning, if it is rotating, what you really have to find is what activity is causing the shields to scan.
What other programs are running in the task manager ?
You can read Reply #1 by pk (avast team) and create a dump file for analysis as mentioned.
I’m running latest version (2016.11.2.2262).
The hourglass is the standard Windows busy pointer. It flashes rapidly while Avast service is active and returns to normal (arrow) pointer when Avast service is stopped.
I’ve created a dump file – how do I upload it for you?
It isn’t for me, as I’m an avast user like yourself.
Can you see the envelope icon for pk to the left of the post (Reply #1 ), email him and attach it to your email.
In your email give him a reference (URL) for your post (Reply #4).
Hey there, I’m still experiencing this issue. Could someone assist me? I posted my dump file download link in my last post.
The AvastUI.exe in task manager is the one that used like 600+mg ram on my computer. Avastsvc is narmal on my pc
It would be best to start your own new topic as your issue is different.
Before doing that there have been a number of topics about the avastUI.exe having a memory leak and some escalation of CPU. This only occurs when you have the avastUI open and commonly when viewing the Statistics section of the avastUI.
Any response to this post if required should be done in a new topic.
Well, I mean this was my support topic to begin with, which got hijacked by other people trying to slide their issues into it without any input to the original topic. I’ve still yet to see any response from me posting a DMP file of when Avast started using a massive amount of CPU for no reason, which it still continues to do.
Reported to Avast! Mods for attention. It seems as if pk has been inactive for ~4 days
try this, avast-settings-tools-clean up (disable)
I’m having the same problem since i rebooted my pc. Avast is sitting at 86%
everything is upto date ( i’m running 11.2.2262) and i’m running windows 7
Any ideas?
I created a dump file but can’t find a way of attaching it to this post (i’m not that clever on a pc)
I think the dump will be big to attach. Pack the dump it to ZIP archive name it i.e. “dump_lyn13.zip” and upload to ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming/ (open this URL in explorer.exe [not in internet explorer] and drag and drop the ZIP archive). Then post here the name of archive, which you uploaded.
It seems to have dropped down to normal now, i know it wasn’t an update. I’ll keep an eye on it and should it happen again i’ll redo the dump file and do as you suggested. Thanks Milos
Uploaded to the folder, name AvastSvc.rar