HighjackThis submission

I am not experiencing any problems but I think I have read on this forum a recommendation to post HighJack results for the gurus to look over for possible deletions.
If this is so, please encourage me to do so. :slight_smile:
Whoops, obviously I meant HijackThis.

you can post it here but please attach it as log file"dont copy and paste to the forum,just attach it.

:slight_smile: Hi :

The Posting of a HijackThis Log is meant to be the FIRST step in an investigation “process” ; since you are experiencing no problems, that is generally a waste of everyone’s time .

There really has to be a reason to post an HJT log (as Spiritsongs said) and it is usually suggested that you do so after reporting you appear to have a problem, rather than out of curiosity.

The report in isolation without information on the symptoms you are experiencing isn’t much use to those who would try to resolve a problem, which as you say you don’t appear to have.

Also posting in the avast 4.x Home/Pro forum when there is nothing related to avast, is also probably in the wrong forum. More likely to be so in the viruses and worms forum if you suspected a virus, or the General forum if as in this case you aren’t experiencing any problems.