hitFilm crash with avast anti-virus

I’m running 2014.9.2013 and after installing a software application Hitfilm Express (hitfilm.com) which is actually free to download for a short while longer, crashes when attempting to load a project or set options. According to hitfilm they claim it is caused by avast anti-virus, and sure enough as soon as I uninstall avast, Hitfilm express works fine. See http://community.hitfilm.com/index.php?/topic/4519-hitfilm-2-error-when-using-avast-removing-avast-solves-the-problem/ for more details.

According to Misty Johnson from their support department, it is avast’s problem since hitfilm is, and I quote, “bug free” (LOL). She recommended I uninstall avast and install a competitor’s product (one very inferior to avast). I refuse to uninstall avast due to what is clearly a bug in their application.

Maybe you can work with the developers at avast and find out why their app is crashing (the only one I have ever run into that has a problem specifically with avast anti-virus).

Hi :wink:

Add hitfilm to Avast exclusions list and report back if you still have problems and of course update hitfilm to latest version.

Hello, I have been having the same problem where hitfilm no longer works after installing avast. I attempted to add hitfilm to every exclusion list I could manage to find, but still no luck. I find this strange because avast gives me no notification, the program simply won’t work with avast on my computer.

i experience the same problem over here, when ever i try to create a new project inside Hitfilm 2 Express the application crashes and asks me to send a bugreport to the developers.[s] I was looking for a solution in their forum over there, the only possible solution i came across was to uninstall avast and use another antivirus-software.

In the same forum-thread a stuff-member named ‘Ady’ pointed out that they are talking with you guys over here to find a solution for the problem.


edit: esassaman allready posted all that stuff … man it’s late i need to sleep :smiley:

JuninhoSlo, i have added Hitfilm to the exception-list but the program is still crashing. The way i added it to the list (maybe i didn’t found the right one :slight_smile: ):

  • Open Avast Control by clicking the TrayIcon
  • Open Settings
  • Open Antivirus
  • Scroll down to ‘Exceptions’ and added the Hitfilm directory-path in there
  • Click Ok

looking-forward to keep both applications,
Scrim :slight_smile:

from the other side - avast is the only antivirus which crashes HitFilm software. i have a paid license for HitFilm Ultimate 2 and in fact it is easier to find another antivirus then an alternative to Hitfilm (in their price range). even i have a licence for avast too - my choice is HitFilm. hope both of them will work together some day.
p.s. in my case (crashes when open a project) i found a temp sollution - create a new project and then import the previous project as a composite shot. but this is not very good because it rearranges the structure of a project. but it works (at least in my case)
p.p.s. in my case - create a new project is ok. crashes only when i try to open the project.