HLLP-vova 10.1-b found in processes

Hi all!

We have had a recurring virus problem on one of our computers. ADNM says that it found an “Infection: HLLP-vova 10.1-b” in one or more processes, and that the “File is marked to be deleted during the following system start…”. The name of the file that is infected is called “*PROCESS<3 digit number><7 digit string><6 digit string>”, which doesn’t mean a heck of a lot to me :-\ .

We’ve restarted the computer, and it doesn’t seem to help. What can we do about this?

Thanks for your help!

Can you schedule a boot time scanning in the infected computers?

Its an old parasitic virus and there are lots of google hits in Russian. Here’s one of the few in English


HLLP.Vova It is encrypted virus. It contains the strings: (C) Dialogue, Rust. 1993 vir *.com *.exe COMMAND.COM NCMAIN.EXE EMM386.EXE NC.EXE \VIR comspec /c ren v /c>nul copy/b \vir /c del vir? ***ProfVovaVir 10.1 (INVECTOR),Give my best regards to LENA !!! (c) 1992-94 by Vova of Ufa,11/03/94 (max. probability accident=1/128)***

If an avast! boot scan doesn’t clean it try one of the online scanners (Kasperski, Trend House Call, etc). It might be a false positive.

We’ll try the bootscan as soon as we can. As far as scanning the infected file, we can’t (as far as I know) because it is a process, not a file.
