Host blocker / protector

Dear Forum,

Does anybody use a program to block or protect the host file?

If so, which program do you use? What do you think of it? Would you recommend it to people?

Thanks in advance and I look forward to the responses.

Best regards,


I use tallemu’s online armor which has a built in hosts file viewer where i can add or remove entries. works well for me.

Winpatrol :slight_smile:


Well I too use Winpatrol (free version), but it isn’t specifically to protect the HOSTS file. Before I installed Winpatrol, I had nothing in my HOSTS file and never pothered to protect it and never once was it modified.

Your right. It does a lot more and only one of the many things it can do for you is to protect your host file. :slight_smile:
(Mine is also empty since I don’t use any blockers that utilize the host file)
