Ok YoKenny I have it installed.
What should be checked in Options?
Ok YoKenny I have it installed.
What should be checked in Options?
Browsing real slowly?
CPU usage plus 50%.
Modem status.
Select Open Hosts
Disable DNS Client service
Enable Hosts file Auti-Update
Default action: Overwrite Hosts file
Start HostsMan with Run as administrator
Have you started HostsServer?
In HostsServer Start Server then in Preferences General tab:
Start HostsServer automatically
Show icon in notification area
Enable log
Log referrer
inServer tab:
On site blocked, display: message
Put each system on a separate line in the signature:
XPMCE 2005 SP3, ??MB RAM
Vista Home Premium 32bit SP2, ??GB RAM
After installation CPU was high, browsing slow…when I uninstalled it using it’s uninstaller…the LAN & WiFi adapters failed to connect to the net despite the internet light was green on the adsl X6 modem…may be it altered the TCP/IP settings or DNS…so I restored the previous image…I’ll request my pc geek friend to come install it.
Thanks any ways YoKenny for your support.
I have installed HostsMan on many systems without the problem you showed.
XP MCE 2005 SP3- 2GB RAM/ Vista Home Premium 32bit SP2- 4GB RAM
The Uninstaller does not revert back the changes made in Services (TCP/IP, DNS etc)? :-\
Hostman forum http://forum.abelhadigital.com/
HostsMan does not make changes to TCP/IP configuration but it does disable DNS Client service that is only needed if the system is part of a corporation that uses Active Directory:
@Pondus…sorry wont use the forum for HOSTMAN.
@YoKenny…joined the HOSTMAN forums…shall post there after creating a new FULL BACKUP…just in case, if I screw up.
almost killed my laptop tonight with hostman : Wanted to use it (hostman) as ads are just hidden in Chrome (connections to ad servers aren’t blocked at all). Worked fantastic first. Following a first reboot, noticed my network gadget wasn’t displaying properly, took also time to appear on the desktop, then an exclamation point on my wi-fi tray icon (no internet), and finally a 50 to 100 % CPU load. Got an alarm from “realtemp” >>> CPU between 85 and 90° : … uninstalled hostman as fast as I could, rebooted, everything’s fine again…sigh…I’m gonna add a list of ad servers manually to my hostsfile to avoid such a disaster again. I suspect hostman from blocking internal traffic in Windows. No big deal, I’m done with it now.
ps: Yokenny, I don’t post that to be provocative, all this really just happened less than an hour ago.
@ Logos
Maybe Chrome is not as good is they want you to believe.
that’s another topic :
By the way,
Do you know what this means?
I cannot log into Facebook. I get this error.
Error 111 (net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED): Unknown error.
Immediately after installing HOSTMAN even before I could configure it CPU shoots up to 90%…& again browsing is real sluggish…my machine isn’t as powerful…it’s a ancient Core Duo & not Core 2 Duo…that could be the reason why it works great on YoKenny’s machines?
Just go to Services under Control Panel, Administrative Tools
Just see if DNS Client is running or Disabled