Wow, very interesting, now watch the fur fly ;D
Apple manipulating the press, no doubt about it! it happens everyday by lots of companies
hmm 62 patches in the first three months, Im looking at the patch notes for the so called Megapatch (mac OS 10.4.9) and I count 29 security updates. (one for adobe player does not count aginst apple rather that is adobe’s isue)
Obviously they count Security Update 2007-003 in their number which is ONLY for Mac OS 10.3.9 and includes the same updates as 10.4.9 not 30 different ones! (which is a very old version about to go EOL)
On top of that one of the patches included in 10.4.9 is for adobe flash player!
So Their Megapatch of 62 flaws does not exist
Security Update 2007-002 (for both Mac OS 10.3.9 and 10.4.x) Has only 4 updates included
Security Update 2007-001 fixes only ONE flaw!!
So 62 flaws in OX in in the first 3 months??? Show me! I count 34 (29 in 10.4.9, 4 in Update 002 and one in update 001)
From now On Every flaw in Windows I will be posting about since everyone enjoys sticking Apple update in my face. Looks like I should get about 500 more posts by thh end of the year
EDIT: added links to apple knowledge base articles
lets start the MS bashing
Oh look here Microsofts own security is a threat!
This isn’t about the number of error, but about how the bad news was trying to be suppressed/shoot the messenger and this is the very ‘fur’ I mentioned would fly in response to above article (I guess there will be many a knew jerked to this).
Personally you can post every windows flaw, it won’t bother me in the slightest, I live with the flaws and take proactive measures to limit my vulnerability to any flaws.
Oh look here Microsofts own security is a threat!
Yawn, there is nothing stopping you from editing your original post and adding the links, but I guess that wouldn’t be as impressive.
lets start the MS bashing
Well, though I’ve participated in my share of Windows bashing I guess, in this particular case, I question some of the information presented in this article, and the “tone” of the author.
The question mark after “User beware?”, is my way of inviting comments from other forum members as to their reaction to the article.
lets start the MS bashing
This post has nothing to do with bashing any one. It’s simply making an article available for
those intersted in staying informed.
It just points out that Microsoft isn’t the only company which needs to get it’s ethics in order.