How can I see the breached Password?

How can I see the breached password?

Unless I can see the actual password that’s reported as breached,
There’s no way to know if this is an old p/w or new password breach.

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It is, unfortunately, not possible to view this password. The idea is that you change the password once you receive this message, and click on “MARKED AS CHANGED” in order not to receive this message for this specific data breach.

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Sorry but that isn’t helpful. There is no way for me to know if this is an old password which was breached or, if it’s a password that was recently changed unless I can see that password.
FYI, Google can show the breached password in its password security function so you can make an informed decision.

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If they can’t do that, then I wonder if the date of the breach might help users who have previously changed passwords.

That said, I don’t know how these passwords were hacked, now if the passwords were stored in a secure encrypted form/site location then it shouldn’t present the same risk.

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