How can I disable secure online starting with my windows 7 computer. There is an icon in system tray says disconnected which I want, but I think it may be in conflict with my firewall which is private firewall 7.0, so I want to try and totally disable secure online from even having an icon in the system tray.
Any ideas appreciated, or even ideas as the name of a different free firewall other than Comodo?
Easiest way is perhaps to simply remove secureline.
But what are the problems ?
It may just be that you need to setup the correct rule(s) in the firewall.
Avast secure line doesn’t always start with my computer, at least there is NOT always an icon in the system tray, but when secure line starts with my computer then Private firewall fails to load and there is not internet access.
Can I uninstall or disable secure line from within avast GUI?