How do i enable VRDB?

I accidentally disabled VRDB, how do i enable it again? Thanks.

I won’t worry that much… in few months this feature will be dropper anyway… it’s more or less useless.
But, if you click the ‘i’ icon you can set VRDB to idle time or screensaver time.
The same for the ‘a’ icon on the submenu VRDB.

But when i accidently clicked “Disable VRDB” in the “i” icon, the icon got away and so did the VRDB submenu in the “a” icon. I like the VRDB feature as it has saved my system before. Is reinstalling Avast the only solution to get it back again?

For the ‘i’ icon (VRDB):
Check your avast4.ini file settings. Click ‘Settings’ in my signature and browse for the VRDB section.

That worked! Thanks alot!

You’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)

So I just installed your great program, but am unable to find the VRDB portion in the ini file and am unable to start it? I only have the “a” icon in the system tray.

the two icons must be merged, you have to “separate” them if you want the vrdb one…you got a context menu in both cases anyway. As said above, vrdb is pretty useless, it’s discontinued in Avast 5.


I read the other threads on this, but were no help in figuring out my problem. The VRDB was operational on my wifes computer when installed at the same time as mine.

I have no option in the context menu to “separate” the icons, and find no settings available in the .ini file. I realize this program will soon be obsolete, but I find it strange that it doesn’t appear on my system but it does on the wifes.

This is now more a heads up for the developers, than a request for help.



Do you have VRDB in the context menu? If so, there should be a "Split to two icons (avast! and VRDB) submenu item there.
