How do I find my account details?

I have looked everywhere I can think of on the Avast site and can’t find the financial details for my account. I need to change the “automatic renewal” but there is nothing shown on my “Profile” to be able to do that.

Please advise. Thank you.

tried here?

Another place you could try.

Thank you for your replies. I have been to both these pages. But I can’t find where to access the option to remove the automatic renewal of the Avast paid subscription. There is nothing under Profile, and I can’t find a link to the financial information about my account.

I had been there once before but I can’t remember how I found it. :-[ Is there something I’m missing? I’ve clicked on every option I can find under my account and on the general Avast home page. Thank you.

No I don’t think you are missing anything, as I also after searching my account, cannot find anything about payment or payment options taken or offered.
However just before my Pro License was to expire I did receive a notification with the “Auto Payment” option and I unticked it.
Can’t find a trace of it now. :-\

There is nothing on your account that gives you that information.
The time to select or unselect auto renewal was at the time you installed the program.
At this point you need to contact avast and express your concerns directly to them.
The following may help you contact the right party:

When you get to the portal select manage subscription it will be on that page

I can’t find “Manage Subscription”. ???

That page is on the order portal

Thank you. :slight_smile: