How do i get a program to work again?

I just received an update yesterday, and now a program that I have been using for 2 years is being seen as having a virus. Each time I try to use it I get a “file not located” error. In order to run it I must turn off the On-Access-Scanner. That’s ok if I don’t keep forgetting to turn it back on.

How can I get Avast to ignore this file. I am running Windows 7 if that matters.

Hi jjjjbbbb, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Could we have the name of the program, the location, and also what it is detected as?
Also could you upload the relevant file to, to confirm whether it is actually a false positive?
(and post the analysis link here)


This is what VirusTotal had:
MD5: 008c8f82a7a415cfa48f82843505d407
First received: 2008.03.30 19:48:17 UTC
Date: 2009.10.21 18:14:58 UTC [<1D]
Results: 19/41

and listed avast as Win32 malware-gen

Why would this just now show up after the update?

How do I get it to release it and then ignore it.
I need this program functional regardless of the malware.


Has it already been analysed?

First received: 2008.03.30 19:48:17 UTC

Please re-scan the file, it should provide you with an option to do so. And then provide us with the link.
Also can you give the infected filename and path please.

Personally, I don’t really feel all that comfortable with showing the exclusion procedure for what could be malicious, which is why I asked for the information…

Chances of it actually being malicious are fairly high, I’d guess. Certainly worth more investigation.

Hello again. Tried to input the info but got some type of error. The file was Sam10. it was installed from disc from Magix. I went to an old hard drive before this computer build. Found that the file date and size was different. Replaced it with the old file and everything is back to normal. My question now is if it is possible for a musical plug-in (they are mostly always .DLL files) to change and infect a file? There were some new plug-ins that I was trying. Did not like them or the quality was not up to par, so I uninstall them and deleted the installs. Avast scans .DLL files I thought. Is there something that I am doing wrong?