how do i get avast to protect my pc all the time

i cant get my avast to do the whole rl time protection thing. the help menu says to right click on the “@” in the system tray and select “On-Access Protection Control” but i see no option. amd when i click on the @ in the avast window and set it to high, it does not seem to be protecting my pc.

please help.

After clicking on on access control, click details at the bottom of the popup. You will be able to customize each provider.

um, i think you miss understand, i can not find the “On Access” button

Download the fake virus called Eicar (no dangerous) from the standard protocol http to see if Avast! protects your PC all the time or not.

If the blue ball is spinning round when you open the files/software or surf the web, if there are no paused/terminated provides, so yes Avast! is protecting your PC all the time.


Okay, how about right click the “a” icon. You should get a menu with On Acess Protection Control.

You probably need to click the details button (see image 1) to expand the view after you have clicked the avast icon.

When you right click the avast icon, do you see what is in the 2nd image ?

i am unable to get either window from my Avast.

so just to recap, i find my Avast icon on my desktop and left click it. then the avast starts and a memory test is run. then i have this little window that looks like a media player, with a big “@” next to the play button. i right click the play button and i do not get an option for “on-access protection” and when i double click the “@” i just get a little window that lets me choose the intensity of the resident scaner.

The icon in question is on the system tray, near the clock.

Not the desktop icon the one in the bottom right (as oldman said).

It is the icon arrowed in my second image in the post, click the image to expand it.

there is no icon like that in the lower right hand part of th screen.

  1. Check the option in the Appearance tab of settings.
  2. Repair your avast installation through Control Panel.
  3. Make a link to ashdisp.exe in your startup folder
  4. Add the path to ashDisp.exe into a value named avast! in the Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    See picture here:
    If you’re afraid to make changes in Windows Registry then, the last is:
  5. Uninstall, boot, install again, boot.

That is what we were indirectly pushing for, confirmation if you had the system tray icon. Follow Tech’s instruction to try and restore it, but more importantly is why it is gone.

What other security based software do you have that might block new startup entries, e.g. Spybot S&D (TeaTimer), AdAware (AdWatch), SpySweeper, Spyware Doctor (StartUpGuard), PrevX, WinPatrol, ProcessGuard, etc. ?

As a temporary measure until this is resolved you can create a desktop shortcut for this file C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\ashDisp.exe (the avast icon and interface to the providers). Right click on the file and select Send To, Desktop (create shortcut). You will need to run this after each boot until the problem is resolved.

What avast processes are running in Task Manager, they begin with ash or asw, see image.