How do I get "Passwords" to work in Firefox?

OK. Finally I have “activated” my new “Passwords” add-on for Firefox.

But it does not work. The icon is black and there are no buttons on the browser as in EasyPass. When I click on the black “Passwords” icon a window appears that says “The extension is not activated. Please activate it first.” I did activate it – it’s there. When I look at the Add-ons there it is with a disable button there. But if I disable it, it changes to an “Enable” button and still it’s black on the browser. I have activated “Passwords” with Avast and transferred all the files from EasyPass into it.

I cannot get rid of the old disabled EasyPass add-on. There is no “remove” button there. I tried to find out how to do that, but Firefox just says to choose the remove button in the Add-ons. It’s not there. The whole disabled Easy Pass Add-on is greyed out. Can ANYONE please give me an idea what to do?

Should I just Remove Avast altogether from the Add-ons? That’s the only Add-on that has a “remove” button. I have only Avast Add-ons. I just don’t know how to get Avast back if I remove it. Avast experts… please help.

Never mind. Today I re-installed Passwords, and all is working well.

It must have been that some electrons were asleep in my computer. It really wasn’t working.

I actually liked EasyPass better, because I could keep notes on the login “cards.” But this is OK and it’s easy to revise them if needed.