How do I go back to Avast Free?

So I tried Avast Internet Security and my license has run out. I’d like to go back to the free license, but the only option in Avast is to renew the expired license. It even shows as me being unprotected, though the normal free version shields are up and running. Do I have to re-install Avast? Create a new account? I’ve been using Avast free for years now, and I’d like to keep using it, but if its just going to be a nuisance, its not worth it.


Please see the section called “Switch back to Avast Free Antivirus” in this support article for instructions on how to switch back to the free version without needing to reinstall or create a new account etc.

I’ve tried doing that before creating this thread. For Windows 10, steps 4 and on are inaccurate. When I modify the installation, all I get is this:

I selected Minimum Protection, which just checks those first 3 shields. Then I restarted.

Try using the Control panel, Programs > Avast Antivirus and select Uninstall (rather than change/modify), I believe that gives the option to revert/go back to Avast Free.

That was it! Thank you for the help.

@aplaza525 and @DavidR, thank you for pointing out the error and for providing the correct instructions. Our documentation team are updating the article with the correct information now.

You’re welcome.

No problem, good to hear it is being updated.