How do I increase font size in the user interface?

This is a continuation of this thread:

I changed the topic heading to better reflect what I want to do: increase the size of the user interface font. My UI currently displays what I believe is an 8-point font. I can’t find anything in the settings that will change this. I like Avast, but I can’t recommend it to some people, esp. older people, if the font size can’t be increased. Does anyone know how to do it?

The only way I can think of to do that is to change the screen resolution which would also be a benefit to older people.

Changing the screen resolution is fine on a CRT but not very good on TFT screens as the native resolution is best, making any change to that is likely to make the displayed data less clear.

You can change the DPI in the windows settings, see image, I have a 26" TFT 1920x1200 and a DPI of 96 is fine for me (with glasses) and relatively small text. The increase the DPI the greater the text size.

Unfortunately that impacts every font used, I don’t know too many AVs that have a selective font size when using a fixed GUI.

Though if the user has has sight problems they would want something like this across the board.

Edit, incorrect wording, see italics above.

Thanks for the input, David. :slight_smile:

I believe you meant “The lower the DPI the smaller the text size”? Per screen shot 96 DPI “Normal Size” and 120 DPI is “Larger Size”.

Generally with most LCD displays enabling True Type will help text look a little cleaner.

Also with a few LCD displays they can display a different resolution providing it has the same (or very close to) aspect ratio as the LCD display’s native resolution. Found this out when a friend purchased a Dell 22" WS LCD display and the max resolution of his graphics card was less than the display’s native resolution. Used a lower resolution nearest to the aspect ratio as the displays native resolution until he bought another graphics card (no updates available for card in PC).

Sorry, yes, suffering from a case of anal cranial inversion (head up a**) when posting, more haste less speed ;D

Will edit to avoid further confusion.