Ya, have a Avast free version and what used to be called Safe Browser. Upgrading to a larger HD in my laptop with a fresh install of Win 10. Is there a cert for free Avast? will I loose the secure browser?
You can download avast anytime you want
You find latest versjon at top in this forum section
I tried to redo my free Avast, then I paid for a year…and you charged my banking account twice
I want that refunded ASAP
You can request a refund by submitting a ticket/request here: http://support.avast.com
Submit only one request and wait for a response. (Keep your ticket number)
But it won’t contain the free version of Secure Browser, will it? They gave it away sometime ago to even free version Avast that’s How I got Safe Browser, and update changed the name to Secure browser… Now I believe to get secure browser you have to use the paid version. A fresh install will wipe out my current free avast and free avast secure browser, is that right?
Download and install Secure Browser from here:
Thank you…got it
Thank you…got it
You’re welcome.