I keep getting a message that 00000008.@ 00000004.@, 80000032.@, 80000064.@ 000000cb.@ is getting blocked.
How do I stop this?
Continue with the other instructions in this topic, http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0 for information on Logs to assist in cleaning malware. Use the information about getting and using the tools and attach the other logs here.
Well, I was doing that. But at the MDAM part I had to reboot in order to remove the malware. Now I can’t get into Windows anymore… After the welcome screen it just leaves met with a black screen and a cursor… What do I do now?
OK, this will need the help of a malware removal specialist.
Unfortunately, there may be some delay due to differing time zones (now almost 2:30am in the UK) and availability of the volunteer malware removal specialists.
What operating system do you have ?
Can you get to the safe mode menu and select either last known good, or system restore ?