qBittorrent has the facility to:
“Run an external program on torrent completion”
This option has a field to enter the text related to the program into, and states that it takes the parameters:
%f: Torrent path
%n: Torrent name
There is an option with Avast to scan individual files for viruses.
How do I set qBittorrent to automatically run Avast on the downloaded file/folder upon completion?
You can only do it with a paid version of avast because they have the cmd line scan tool.
But other than that, avasts webshield is already scanning the file while it is downloaded and the file shield scans it when you try to open the download.
It is advised to enable PUP detection.
I use qbitorrent and I don’t believe Avast checks files as they download. The old p2p shield didn’t work with qbitorrent even though it was listed as a supported client. Be sensible and stick to verified torrents … you should be ok!
avast has changed a lot.
The P2P shield has been gone quiet a while ago.
And yes, avast checks files (data streams) as they are being downloaded.
It is as I said.
Well I’ve certainly seen no evidence in ‘last scanned items’ that it’s scanning files downloading via qbittorent (as opposed to utorrent which I believe Avast does interrogate).