how do I stop virus from trying to infect my computer

I have a laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 build 7601. After opening an e-mail the Malicious URL Blocked alert keeps popping up every time I open Internet Explorer or Google chrome browsers. From the alert box I was able to obtain the following

I have run Malwarebytes and no infected files were found. I then restored the system to a restore point 24 hours earlier to no avail.
It seems the virus has not infected my computer, but I would like to know how I can stop it from constantly trying and having the alert pop up each time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

welcome to the avast forum.

plasese follow this guide and attach your logs

we need the logs from adwcleaner, otl,aswmbr, and malwarebytes.

Since I posted this inquiry I have not had the Malicious URL Blocked alert pop up at all. Neither has any other popups occurred relating to the virus. Is it still possible my computer is infected or perhaps with Avast blocking the URL and the restore I did the virus did not get into my computer. Please advise.
Being new to computers if I still need to send you the logs I wish to let you know I am not familiar with how to attach them to my next post. Again, please advise if this is still necessary.

Thank You,

We had reporty of earlier alerts for this site, but with a new update these are no longer being flagged,


It actually just got flagged again for me today. Two warnings popped up regarding this site. :frowning: