How Do I Stop the Warning Window?

I’m SO tired of the window saying a virus has been found & wanting a response. For over a year of using Avast!, I ALWAYS opt to delete and it has caused no problems and I don’t want to be bothered with the “chest”, etc. – I just want that darn window to stop coming up. It pops up constantly and is far too invasive: If I’m playing a game or typing, everything freezes until I respond. The window will not go away on its own if no answer is given in a certain period of time, so if I’m downloading something, walk away, and a virus is found, the window stays there and soon has broken my internet connection, which I must repair when I return to get back online. Of course, that means the download came to a screeching halt when it froze everything and I have to find the download and start again. Is there SOME way to specify somewhere that I ALWAYS want it to delete so I don’t get the invasive window? Avast! has been doing an awesome job, but I NEVER want to see that window again! Help, please!! Thanks in advance for any assistance.

In the Professional version of avast!, you can define custom actions to be performed with detected files.
In the Home version, you may enable the silent mode for the corresponding resident provider(s), which moves the detected files to Chest.

Deletion isn’t really a good first option (you have none left), ‘first do no harm’ don’t delete, send virus to the chest and investigate. One day you may come to regret deletion as a first option unless you have a good back-up and recovery strategy in place.

As Igor says these advanced automated options are only available in the Pro version.

You only have a limited option in the Home (free) version, to send the infected file to the virus Chest (silent mode, with general answer no, see below).

My own feeling on this is you should use the default interactive action. This way you know exactly what is going on with your system. If you are getting so many warnings, that you want to automate this process, I believe you should review your security practice - review the sites they visit, firewall for outbound protection, etc.

See the avast help file, Resident Protection: Standard Shield Provider Settings - “Advanced” Page.
Click on Standard Shield and then on Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and select Silent Mode and the General answer No.

Leave the file in the chest for a few weeks (it can do no harm from there) to ensure no adverse effect from being moved to the chest. Then scan the file again in the chest to ensure it is still detected as infected and if so delete it from the chest.