How do I submit possibly infected files?

How do I submit files that may be infected with a virus?

I specifically want to get the answer on whether they are infected by a virus.


Hi :wink:

Youi can send undetected malware or false positive via:

-Avast chest (don,t forget to protect zip,rar file with password)

If I protect any zipped files with a password, how can they open them?

Is it necessary to zip them? I hadn’t planned on doing that. The files aren’t that large.

Will I get an answer back as to whether the files are infected?

Dora Smith

because you will write the password in the mail :wink:
the password … infected … is often used when sending samples to AV vendors

if there are any mail server antivirus on the way that detect these…then the attachments/mail will be removed
to avoid that we zip and password protect

Hi, :slight_smile:

This method requires a file compressing software like 7-Zip.
1 Locate the file(s) you wish to submit for analysis
2 Right click the file(s) and add it to an archive/compressed file
3 Enter a password, preferrably: virus
4 Log in to your e-mail client and attach the compressed file
5 If it is an FP, type this in the subject: False Positive
If it is an undetected file, type in the subject: Undetected File
6 In the message body, type in the password
7 Send the file

edit: Pondus was faster than me. ;D