Other answers involve right clicking the icon in the mini icon tray but I can’t do that, so I presume it’s for an older version. I’m running the latest version of Avast on Windows 10. How can I turn off Avast so that it’s not running anymore?
No it isn’t about an old version there has always been a right click option on the Avast Tray Icon. See attached image (click to expand) do you have that present ?
If not try an avast repair.
Try Enabling Passive Mode, attached image 2.
You could just uninstall it.
It would be nice to know why you need to do this ?
Thank you for your reply. I can right click every icon in my mini icon tray except for the Avast icon. I’m also not looking for an offline mode, as was in your screenshot. I’m looking for a way to shut down the software so that it’s not running anymore until I start it up again.
Since you can’t click the Avast Tray icon Left or Right Click, there is something wrong with your installation.
Is there an avast Desktop Icon ?
If so double click on that, it should open the Avast UI > Menu > Settings > General > Troubleshooting - scroll down to Repair APP. Allow that to complete and restart your system.o
You should be able to enter the UI again and Select Enter Passive Mode. The reason I suggest this way is your installation isn’t working correctly, so I wouldn’t try to get into passive mode whilst it isn’t working correctly.
I don’t know if an alternative quicker option might suffice, turning the Shields of for a period of time, but that couldn’t be selected when you couldn’t get access this if you can’t use the Right Click option on the Tray Icon.