under normal circumstances, there is a normal uninstall entry in the Add/Remove programs applet. There must be something very wrong with your avast installation…
I’d recommend downloading the latest setup EXE, running it on your machine - that should cause the program to be updated to the latest version and also an entry in Add/Remove programs to be created. Then, you should be able to do the uninstall (if you wish so)…
I've had too many problems with it
Maybe if you'd be so kind and describe at least some of them, we could try to fix them (otherwise, it's pretty hard ;))... Please don't forget to post system information as well.
I’m currently downloading the installer program again to see if that helps - I hope it will.
I’m running a PIII 800mhz with 384mb SDRam and Windows XP. The main problems I’ve been having is that on startup, after I enter the user details, the computer hangs for at least three or four minutes before it actually loads up the desktop, which is irritating to say the least.
However, the main problem I have right now is that I’m unable to send emails from Outlook Express, which is a major concern for me. I can receive them no problem, but when I compose a reply, Outlook Express can’t seem to send it.
The host '[b]correct server address[/b]' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: '[b]correct server address[/b]', Server: '[b]correct server address[/b]', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11004, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
It doesn’t actually even try to connect - as in when I press send and receive it just skips straight past the send new message bit and throws up the above error. I’ve checked that the servers are correct.