How do I. . . .?

How do I change my location? my age? all that fun stuff on my profile or am I just stuck with the time zone they put me in and without an age?

Hello and welcome to forum.

go to and in left panel choose what you want to change, but for changing something you need to wait a while to have more than about 20 or 30 or even more (I don’t remember) post and then other option would be unlocked.

You need 20 posts to be able to edit your profile.
This is some kind of Spam-blocking-behavior of the forum :slight_smile:

Thats kinda crummy. . .but thank you for the info. . . I’m the kind o person who likes to set up my profile before going and posting things. . .but oh wellz looks like i’m jsut gonna have to get out of my normal routine.

The problem comes from drive by spammers, who having registered put objectionable or commercial links in their profile signature to try and gain link promotion, etc.

There have also been cases of the PM function being abused to spam forum members, so you will notice that you can’t use the PM function either.

Unfortunately because of the actions of others legitimate members suffer by the actions to prevent this spamming.

Normally you are able to do a basic setup when you first register, like enter your Country flag as you have but no signature as that is where much of the link spamming went.