Hi. New member here. We just renewed our AVAST Pro license. We ended up going through a recommended reseller. He sent the new license key but we upgraded to 5.0 last year and it needs a license file. I’ve been unable to locate how to request a license file. The reseller said they’re not available for 5.0 but I got one last year when we converted.
Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Avast5 was only released ‘this’ year, so there is some confusion here as you couldn’t have upgraded to avast5 ‘last’ year (unless you took part in the avast 5 beta trial).
So you have an avast 4.8 Pro license from this reseller ?
If so (and it is a legit reseller and license) you can convert it for use in avast 5.
avast! 5 Pro license convert from 4.8 Pro license. Try http://www.avast.com/resend-license.php now, fill in the form giving your email and 4.8 Pro License key and they will send the new license file to you (presumably it will check you have a legit 4.8 Pro license first).
Yes I do have an email address from the reseller and can post that or send it offline if that will help.
I tried the resend license request but got no response. I’ll try it again.
For further clarification we upgraded our AVAST pro to a 5.0 version earlier this year and requested and received a license file for our existing licenses. Now all of our installed copies are Registered and need a license file for the new license. There is no way to enter just the new license key like in the past. I’m hoping I don’t have to uninstall each copy and then start over with a 4.8 install enter the new key and then upgrade again to version 5.
Don’t post emails in publicly available forums as they can be harvested by spambots trawling for email addresses.
Most of us here are avast users, so there is little point in us getting it, you cam also contact sales (at) avast (dot) com giving as much information as possible and certainly at least as much as the resend license form.
You have to have entered the email address that you used for the purchase or the automated process won’t be able to find a corresponding record.