How Do You Unistall AIS 7.0.1465

I have tried to remove AIS only to install it from the download as I have upgraded the program twice now through the update feature. Every time I try to do this after the reboot, I cannot use my keyboard or any keyboard. I had to re image Windows 7 64 Bit from an Image I made earlier today. Now is this some kind of method that Avast has deployed to make sure that they keep their customers? :slight_smile:

This should not ever happen and I would like to have an answer as to why? I also would like to see a complete change log.

Download aswclear.exe from
Use “safe mode” (reboot>press F8 repeatedly)
Use the uninstall utility for each version. :slight_smile:

For the latest change log see
Keep in mind this is a beta release.
For full release see :slight_smile:

So then, you have to remove this using a special tool from Avast in Safe Mode. This is absolutely insane. I will use the tool as soon as my subscription runs out. This should never ever happen and this is supposed to be an RC??? Did The Three Stooges do the programming for this? BTW: the change log that you linked me to is not for 7.0.1465.

No you don’t have to do that, you would under normal circumstances use the regular add remove programs.

If however you are experiencing problems that might be relates to an earlier version or the installation appears to be corrupt then a clean reinstall is advisable normal add remove programs, reboot and then use the uninstall utility.

You may get away with not running the uninstall utility from safe mode if the normal add remove programs worked, if it didn’t work then the self defence module would block the uninstall utility.

Who said this is an RC, as far as I’m aware this is still a beta build.



Thanks, although I have posted in the topic I wasn’t aware it was considered an RC, which I would say is late beta as it is still on the beta update stream.

@GTX66 - could you check if there is any avast/asw"Driver" in your system after the uninstall? e.g. driverquery

Since I have it re installed probably not. After I removed it I had no use of my KB to check anything. Thank God and Greyhound for start up disks.

Hi GTX66,

sorry that I have missed this earlier. We are aware of this issues, it might happen sometimes but unfortunately we are not able to reproduce it.
If any case it would appear again, please could you try to generate a dump file as described here

thank you very much,