How does anti theft works with devices without SIM-card


I just tried to change settings im, because I lost my tablet-PC without SIM-Card - only vor WLAN access.

After my login in on my windows 10 computer, I tried to change some settings to locate my tablet. The anti theft module is shows “activated” on the account.

My expectation was, that such commands will be stored in And in the next time, if my tablet has been connected with the internet, the stored command will be executed.

In the moment, which I submit this information, I received a message “Das Formular kann nicht gespeichert werden da es fehlerhaft ist” (I used the german language presettings), which could be translated with “The form can not be saved because it is faulty”.

I suggested, that perhaps I had to use an other browser. But after using firefox 46.0, chrome, microsoft edge the problem couldn’t be solved.

First I asked this question into the But they couldn’t help and recommend me to ask this question into the anti theft forum.

What could I do to submit the wished track-settings to locate my tablet?

Thank you all for your fast help answered in english or german language.


I have reported this to try and get it some attention.

I installed Anti-Theft on my Nexus 7 tablet, which has a SIM for data only. Then I tapped on the Anti_Theft icon and received a message that the app was not installed. I checked my app listing in the tablet’s settings and it was indeed listed there! Then I received an email saying that the SIM had been changed. No it hadn’t! So I uninstalled Anti-Theft.

Is Avast Anti_Theft designed to work on tablets that have no phone/sms facility?

Yes, anti theft works fine on tablets (and other devices) that don’t have a phone/sms option.

OK, thanks Eddy. I’ll try again. Maybe I did something wrong. I installed it on my Android phone without any trouble.

It’s now installed (properly, I think). Thanks again. :slight_smile:

I have it installed on a tablet and never had any problem with it.
Depending on the android version, you might have to change a option (or 2).