To keep this post brief - I have noticed that Alwil seems to be rather slow in adding detection signatures for new malware submitted to the website. I have got hit by an infection, submitted the files, and one week later avast! still failed to detect the malware. I had to reformat my hard drive to remove the malware.
What policy does Alwil adopt towards virus submissions? I have noticed companies such as Kaspersky and Avira have very fast response times, which is very helpful for users who are already infected. As far as I can tell, Alwil seems to drag its feel on such issues.
It’s difficult to be hard at the first post, but, as you’ve said, we, old users, are always complaining and asking for more speed on signatures updates.
Indeed avast should be better…
Welcome to forums.
Personally if I’m going to submit a sample I send it from the avast chest, this encrypts the file being sent so you don’t have to zip and password protect the file (you did that ?), if not it may not reach
Samples sent from the chest are filtered when they reach avast, this separates it from the 4000+ emails receiver per day at the virus @ address.
You can also add the file to the User Files (File, Add) section of the avast chest and send it from there (select the file, right click, email to Alwil Software).
There are plans to have on-submission, but there is no firm date for this.