how to activate all avast options

i have avast4 and the email scan seems to be disabled,so is the web sheild.
how can i activte these


Hello and welcome to the avast! user forums,
First what version of avast! 4 are you using Home, Pro?

If you are using the Home version you can take a look at what providers are running by clicking on the blue avast! ball with the a in it. If you want to check if a certain provider is running by clicking the details button then scrolling down and clicking on your provider from there you have the options of starting, terminating or pausing the provider. From there you can enable the web shield. Also for the e-mail scanner problem please tell me what e-mail client you are using for example Outlook Express.

outlook express
and atm the home edition of avast
the web sheild doesnt appear in the drop down
no does the email scan

actually just looking in the menu i have these things listed

internet mail
instant messaging
network sheild
this looks okay,its just i dont see the scan icon initialise in the email anymore,maybe i mistaken it.

any tips would be good thx ;D

First click the details button. Then where it shows you the shields there is a blue bar. You can click it to scroll up or down.

2 sheilds were not on ;D

cheers :wink:

Do you mean the icon on system tray while scanning emails?
Or, on contrary, the splash screen when you open the email program?
Did you use full MS Outlook (not the Express)?


i just have plain old outlookexpress

there is no splash screen,and no little prompt appears like
scanning 27,28…29% ect,which it used to do…

it seems turned on,maybe i have not configured it properly

actually no its not scanning or showing any info at all

do i have to cofigure the accounts for this??


There is not a splash screen for OE. Only MS Outlook pluggin has one. It’s ok.

Which prompt? Can you describe a little…? I can’t follow you.

Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, choose Internet Mail provider at left and click Customize.
I think you can browse the tab of settings and help file to understand all options…

re: Previous i ran a repair in add/remove programs

its working well now and scans all incoming and outgoing

i was recently infected with a WIN32-gen trojan

(yes i have been a curious fool and often downloaded some bogey files)

however all is well now and i must have damaged the email scan with a registry edit…when removing the virus related service and entries…ect

I hope this is the case as the alternatine scenario would be that the trojan disabled the scan ,

im not sure,no one has heard of this so i would say i damaged it in my haste to remove the virus (i dont know how but its well possible with me :o).

sorry ,yes its not really a prompt but a little scan notice that informs you that avast is scanning incoming/outgoing emails,(its there now)

