I’ve installed Avast Mobile security on my phone and am logged into MyAvast on my pc. I’m now trying to add my mobile phone as a device, however whenever I click on “Add first device” it just gives me the download link on the Google Play Store for the app (which I already have installed on my phone). How can I add my phone as a device in order to run Anti Theft?
Never mind. I had to log out and then back in again for the device to show up. Problem solved.
Mam stejny problem, co mam delat?
‘Warren34’ who had this problem a year ago, was able to resolve it, unfortunately your problem is unrelated.
The Big problem, the Devices Section of the my.avast.com has pretty much removed from the my.avast.com account it only shows licenses for paid products.
I had 3 systems and an Avast Mobile Security installation in my old devices listing, not there is nothing there.
‘Warren34’, který měl tento problém před rokem, byl schopen to vyřešit, bohužel váš problém nesouvisí.
Velký problém, sekce Zařízení zařízení my.avast.com se z účtu my.avast.com do značné míry odstranil, pouze zobrazuje licence pro placené produkty.
Měl jsem 3 systémy a instalaci Avast Mobile Security v mém starém seznamu zařízení, není tam nic tam.
See Changes to device section for more information.