How to allow AVAST to a particular URL

How to allow Avast 4.8 home ( shield web ) to a particular URL ? Syntax of exception ?
Example : test flow ADSL on : (Option Faire le test )
without stop the shield web
I tried to create an exception, but it does not work
Thank you

Well it shouldn’t be blocking it, what is the problem ?

Are you doing this to try to get a better or more accurate reading ?
If so you would be better terminating avast’s web shield for the duration of the test. As with excluding a particular URL, whilst the web shield won’t scan the content, I don’t know if it would still pass through the web shield proxy, just not be scanned.

Try the Web Shield, Customize, Basic tab, Ignored addresses: see image.

Thank you, but it does’nt work
Even when suspending web shield ( only when stopping it )
I tried to put URL ( HTTP:/// etc or IP adress but it does’nt work.
Try to do this test, and you will see !

Check the address exactly… you could use wildcards *

It’s not designed to work with IP addresses.

But you haven’t said why you need to do this, e.g. what the problem is ?

If you Terminate the web shield (Pause isn’t good enough as HTTP traffic will still be routed through the web shield proxy) and that is the instruction given in the Test Page. Terminate the web shield, Answer No to the question to persist the change, run the test and Start the web shield, answer Yes to the question.

The test fails when the web shield is just paused but succeeds when terminated.

@ Tech
The IP address is OK when used in the Ignored address but not the Exceptions, not that either will work here as the http traffic still appears to flow through the proxy but isn’t scanned.

Ok… but the user was talking about exceptions…

I suggested the Ignored addresses: in an earlier post.