How to clean failed install of Anti Theft (rooted)?

Hi, I first installed avast Mobile Security then downloaded “avast Anti Theft (rooted)” from Google Play and installed on my NON-rooted Android 4.4.2 phone. I did this because I wanted to access extra features of AntiTheft and thought from reading avast FAQ that my phone did NOT need to be rooted in order to install the Anti Theft (rooted) version, but have since realised that this thought was incorrect.

Anyway, I do not want to root my phone so I am now happy to install the standard version of AntiTheft.

However, the AntiTheft (rooted) installation appeared to complete successfully with a message something like “now you can uninstall the setup app and flash your ROM” but afterwards I could not find the disguised Anti Theft app anywhere and could not access Anti Theft via Mobile Security menus either - it simply reported that Anti Theft is not installed.

Now I’m concerned the failed install has left behind files and possibly admin settings that may cause problems later. For example, the UPDATE.ZIP file is in my system folder.

Can you tell me how to clean and verify all is OK?