My business web site was infected on Dec 15th with a tojan.
I closed the site. Downloaded the files. Scanned the files, deleted the virus (one.exe).
I scanned the PC, rebooted to make sure and rescanned. All clean.
I uploaded the files and the site is running and virus free.
I also adjusted the permissions and password on the website to make sure it couldn’t be compromised again.
I write to all the main websites and directories, mcafee, spamhaus etc and got my site cleared.
However AVAST continues to flag the site as infected. I have contacted the support people 3 or 4 times but nothing has been resolved.
This is materially damaging my business and I need to know how I can rectify this.
Thank you for your help. I have used this form and been in dialogue with the support team and wrote pretty much what I wrote above but they fail to understand or resolve the issue.
I wonder if there is anything else I can try.
If it continues I have no option but to have my lawyers make a claim for damage to my business due to lost sales. I hope it doesn’t come to this but already I am loosing business as a result of this situation. However I want this resolved quickly and painlessly and therefore I will try any other means posible.
I should also look at this, which flags the site as suspicious and the IP has some interesting sites linked to Webfusion Internet Solutions, so I don’t know if that is who your site is hosted with. If so it could be suffering from this linkage.
Any way, in your use of the contact form I would make it clear that the review is for the network shield.
e.g. If you are reporting an FP, then enter the web URL for the site you wish to submit for review Network Shield, etc. A link to this topic also wouldn’t hurt.