how to create mirrors

we use AVAST in our school system and we are having a terrible time keeping the console from timing out. I have read in other posts that this is because too many clients are checking into one server. We will have 5000 clients total. The server seems to time out when more than 1000-1500 check in.

So the solution would be to use mirrors. However, I cannot find any instructions on how to set those up. I created and deployed a mirror package and that server does not show in my console.

Are there any guides to installation for this product? anyone else with experience getting this to work?

thanks in advance!

Have you scanned the Avast! EPS EAC install and deployment guides. I do not use mirrors yet, but I remember reading about them while I was setting up my EAC. I ignored the content at that time, so I cannot speak in technical detail. Sorry

Secondary-level mirrors will not affect the performance of the management console at all.

What you need to do is:

  1. Run regular DB cleanup tasks.
  2. Change the Communication Model in the properties of the Computer Catalog folder to “POP Only”.
  3. Play with the POP interval and POP entropy settings.


Communication models
– Pop only: The server never tries to contact the client computer (e.g. for status verification after a task was started)
– Push and pop: The server tries to contact the client computer (task status verification is POP model only)

Pop details
– Pop interval: The average interval between client computers connecting with the server (to spread the client requests over a period of time)
– Pop entropy: A random value which is added to the Pop interval. The actual interval between any two client computers connecting with the server is given by:
Pop_interval - pop_entropy ≤ actual interval ≤ pop_interval + pop_entropy

Hi. I did read the admin guide, but it was not real detailed as to how these mirrors worked. I was not clear on whether each server needed a full SQL database or just one main SQL database would be enough or if the console would show the entire deployment, etc.

I decided just to experiment since the single server console kept freezing. I set up two new virtual servers and installed the admin console and full SQL on each. I gave one of the servers the IP address of the old single server. Because the IP was the same the clients checked in almost immediately. I then divided the clients into two groups, and set half to check in to the first server and half to the second, although I don’t know if that is necessary. Logically the clients should choose whatever is available. if all goes well, then I will set up a couple more mirrors as we have 4500+ clients.

So far so good but I am still learning.