How to delete custom firewall rule?

I just bought my 1st table PC running Android 4.0, rooted.

I installed Mobile Security 2.0.4993.

In poking around in the Firewall, I hit “Create a new custom rule” to see what’s what with that. Not seeing anything that would suggest “cancel” I backed out.

Now I have a “New Rule (Inactive)” and don’t have a clue how how to delete it.

I’m new to this OS, so maybe I’m just not holding my tongue correctly. A search here on “delete custom rule” didn’t return any matches.

How does one delete a custom rule?

Thank you!

Hi, long-press on the rule in the list and it should offer you a delete button.


Ah, the long-press… As an Android newbie it’ll probably be another couple of weeks before I get used to that UI feature. The transition from decades of Palm OS use hasn’t been all that transparent for me. :-[

Your assistance with my Android, not avast, issue is greatly appreciated.

No reply expected. Cheers!