I’ve used avast! free for a few years and have always really liked it. This year, I decided to buy a license, but I am finding the new version of avast! incredibly frustrating. One of things that is driving me absolutely nuts is all of the f***ing popups! There are popups for everything from updates, to advertisements, to “informational” messages, to security reports, etc.
I tried entering “0” in for the popup durations, but that seems to have the opposite affect of making the durations infinite.
If there isn’t a way to disable all of these stupid, f***ing popups, I am uninstalling avast! and moving on to something else. I used to love avast!, but it has become incredibly bloated and it seems like I’m always being bombarded by advertisements from it these days.
That is because 0 is unlimited duration and you have to close it, 1 second is the lowest valid setting.
I haven’t a clue what these ‘bleeping’ popups are other than the swearing there isn’t a great deal of information.
Some settings that might help reduce the number of popups is to uncheck the AvastUI > Settings Appearance - scroll down to Community Features and uncheck the two options.
I haven't a clue what these 'bleeping' popups are other than the swearing there isn't a great deal of information.
Really? You have no idea what popups I’m talking about? How about these, off the top of my head:
Popups after avast! updates
Popups when I connect to an unsecured network with some stupid message about the NSA spying on me (it an ad for avast!'s VPN service)
Avast! software update popups (for other software on my computer, not for avast)
Upgrade popups (even though I paid for avast!) and “special offer” popups
Security report popups
Other “informational” popups that I can’t remember right now
That’s just what I can remember off the top of me head. I do not want to get a dozen popups a day from my antivirus.
The reason I asked is because there are different areas from which they could originate and I don’t get them in anything close the the frequency you are stating. I don’t even know what avast version you are using, possibly AIS giving you said you have paid and the unsecured network notification.
Have you implemented the suggestion I made.
If this is the 30 day Security report when you get it, I believe it can be disabled, I don’t see these either.
I would, except that from what I’ve read that also disables alerts and warnings (i.e. the only things that a user should ever be bothered with, as it’s actually important.
I am in disbelief that avast! let’s you set the duration for info and update popups, but that you can’t disable them completely. It’s ridiculous.
AdBlock has nothing to do with avast pop-ups.
These are probably related to the (wrongly worded) vps updates.
Follow my instructions in reply #7 and see what happens.
Unchecking the community features does not prevent the pop-ups in question. They are not “wrongly worded vps updates” since I get the normal vps update pop-up when the update is downloaded.
But your suggestion to “disable the community features” does not solve the OP’s problem. I HAVE disabled the community features and STILL get the advertisement pop-ups along with the normal vps pop-ups. If disabling the community features did disable the advertisement pop-ups, then I shouldn’t be getting any advertisements - I should only be seeing the vps pop-ups.
I can confirm the same thing. I’ve had community features disabled thru several versions of Avast. With the past few updates, the only way to rid myself of the Avast popup ads is to disable VPS notification popups. This shouldn’t be happening.
Seriously, Avast! developers, this is ridiculous… I paid for this software and I shouldn’t be getting popups several times a day trying to get me to “upgrade” or buy additional services. I used to recommend Avast! to people. Now I don’t.