ive done loads of scans the scanning box says current scan is standard scan how do i do a through scan? regards brian.
Hi magpie and welcome to the Forum .
To select a “Thorough Scan” you can simply click on the ‘Image’ of a Hardrive in the Silver panel skin , and a pop up will appear with options for quick , standard , or "Thorough scan " . Select with a sliding control .
Also , another way ; find the drop down Menu , in the case of the above mentioned skin , located in the Top-Left hand corner.Click on it . Mouse over “Start Scan” >Select Scan Area . Then , "Select Scan Level " , either quick , standard , or "Thorough scan " . You also have the option to scan Archive files mixed in to selections.
If you click the buttom Local Disks you’ll see the sensitivity slider (through scanning).
Change the sensitivity, I assume that you are using the Silver Panel skin (see image).
ok guys found it thanks ever so much for your help. great forum by the way.
Glad we could help, welcome to the forums.
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