How to edit the default extension list

I just downloaded this cool program. But, when I tried
to custom my standard shield settings, I wanted to edit
the Default extension set, because I don’t want all files to be scanned. But, it won’t let me edit anything inside the default set list. So, when I turn that option off, I try and just input what I want, but I have over 60 extensions that I want added to the additional extensions field. So, when it does take them all, i restart my computer and over half the extensions that I inputted in the additional extension field is gone, because the list is too long for that field.

My question is: How to I edit the Default extension set
to incorporate less or more extensions?

Any ideas?

You can’t do that. The default extension list is built-in in the virus database. That’s what default is - the preset, recommended set.

Anyway, I’ve checked the code – the extension list can contain up to 1024 characters – seriously, is your list big like this??


well, it accepted up to the 1024 characters for the “additional extensions” field.
But, after you reboot it cuts off after 224 characters
and I have to reinput all the characters again.

For example:
$$$ was the first one and zip was last and say I had 60 extenesions in between.
Now, I create this long 1 sentence list in notepad and then copy/paste it into the
“additional extensions” list. Now it will paste everything fine and when I press okay,
it keeps all my 60 extensions. However, when I reboot the pc and reload the
program it cuts off the extensions list to 30rth extension, instead of having
my entire 60 extensions in the “additional extensions” field.

Now all I have to do is keep a txt file of the 1024 characters and keep copying it over after every
reboot into the field, but that is a pain in the butt. Have you ever experienced anything like this?
I have shut off the Default list option and I am trying to just use the additional extensions option.

Here is a complete list of all the extensions that I am planning on using.
I am interested in anyone’s input and what I should do.


sorry if long, but, I’m trying to see if anyone else is having this problem.
This is the only extensions I want to scan. I don’t want to scan every file,
only the ones most possible for a virus. When the computer reboots it
always stops at the first letter “,J”.

Any ideas. Criticism is welcome.

Hmmm… I’m just wondering – is there a file (extension) you don’t want to scan??

The pasted list seems like pretty much all the files you’ll probably ever see.

So why don’t you just put a simple * in the box, instead of listing all the individual extensions?

It’s much easier to write, and most importantly, will make avast faster as it won’t be forced to parse all the extensions masks every time there’s a file open/close request.


Doh. Last time I tried to search all files for all created/modified extensions and without default extensions, it wouldn’t show all the actual files (like gif’s etc) while surfing the internet. But, it works now. I am trying your idea of just putting a star in the created/modified additional extensions area with default extensions turned off. Works the same of course. So, I guess I can leave it like that with the “*” to make me feel good.

Sorry to bother you guys on that.
The Free program works great for me.

Maybe this list is enough:


You can add even: