I had to reinstall “Avast Premium Security” (Multi-Device) after a recent Microsoft update, because Avast prevented my Wireless devise from connecting to my wireless router. I downloaded the install program and re-installed “Avast Premium Security” successfully. --The PROBLEM is I cannot find where to enter the activation code. (NOTE…: the interface is totally different than what appears on my other two computers, and I cannot find where to enter my Activation Code. Also I noticed there was a VPN box appearing in the interface, which I did not purchase). —QUESTION—: how do I enter my activation code in “premium security”
Thanks, Steve
I just looked at the installed programs on my laptop and discovered that some how AVAST ONE had been installed on my computer, instead of AVAST Premium Security (I had done an internet search for AVAST Security). I uninstalled AVAST ONE and successfully installed and activated AVAST Premium Security. —NOTE—: I did not see AVAST ONE in the upper left hand corner of the application window. If I had seen the full name AVAST ONE, I would have instantly know that the wrong program had been downloaded and installed on my laptop. SUGGESTION—: Please put the full name “AVAST ONE” in the upper left hand corner of the application. Thanks Steve