How to find Anti Spam Software that works with Avast

have started using Avast few weeks ago I am so pleased that it works well and does not cause problems and conflicts with other software as it was the case with the major brand name Anti virus I used before. But I badly need an Anti Spam software and the previous Anti Spam software which I used before is conflicting with Avast (actually there was a conflict between that Anti Spam software and the Anti Virus software made by the same company). I wish Avast had an Anti Spam Software My suggestion is for Avast to develop one and it would be important to offer such a software combination. But until then how can I use an Anti Spam software without conflict with my Avast software. I abandoned my earlier Anti Spam software and purchased a new one called Blue Squirrel but the problem is that it is an Anti Spam Anti Virus combo and it was unable to work (even when I disabled the Anti Virus function and kept the Anti Spam function) it still gave a message that the port used by my email client is used by another program (I guess it must be the Avast software). I hate to abandon the Avast Software and use the Blue Squirrel for both protections since I trust and like the Avast software. Does anyone have any advice on how to resolve this conflict were by An Anti Virus and Anti Spam software from different companies can be used without conflict.


Check out the above link. I suggest K9 with Outlook, it takes a little setup but I find it to be a great combo.

Also, offers an email client called thunderbird that is okay.


p.s k9 is FREE!

pps. Welcome to the Forums

Well, avast is compatible with a lot of spam killers:
MailWasher (both free and pro version), SpamPal, Spamihilator, etc.
For Spamihilator (my best), you can see its configurations to work with avast here:;action=display;threadid=3413

Thank you very much pals:

I really needed to find some Anti Spam software that works with Avast I am literally drawning in Spam its like a flood every time I download my email. I am going to check out the options you suggested.


Then I suggest that you go for an anti spam program that deals with your spam detection at mail server level as you are still going to be downloading floods of spam to be filtered on your machine. Very handy as I am on a dialup connection and get around 100 spam email a day.

I use Mailwasher Pro, the paid for version, but I have had 4 free updates since I paid for it two years ago. It checks a limited sample of the email headers and text so it and you can identify spam. Having marked it for deletion it is deleted from the mail server, you then download the remaining email with your normal email program.

There is a 30 day free trial, I’m not sure if they stil do a free version (used to and only covered one email account).

HTH David

Still working the free version for only one email account…

Thanks, Technical, for many that would be enough, or they could use it for the account that they get most spam through.

I use Poptray version 3.0.3 to check my mail at the server before letting it download to my pc. Its a free program. After viewing mail at the server, its not too hard to figure out what is possibly mail you don’t want to download. See for information. :wink:

I use Spam Bully which works fine with Avast and with Kerio firewall. An excellent spam fighter with bayesian filter - and it’s free!