HOW to fix xerces panic error? Please help me~~~

I’ve installed a home edition avast 4.126.But i don’t know how to fix the problem: xerces panic error: Could not load transcoding services!
Who can tell me how to do it ? Help me~~~~~~~~~Thank you

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Your version of Avast is too old.
The latest version is Avast 4.289
Download the updated version at

Uninstall the older version using the Add/Remove function in the Windows Control Panel, and install 4.289
Then do a manual db update (or wait for Avast to notify you of the new update).

You should be ok after that.

Good luck,

Yes, the Xerces problem has been fixed in build 260 (I think).

You don’t even have to download the full installer again - running a program update (e.g. using the popup menu from the system tray avast icon) should be enough.

Normally using the internal update program function within Avast does the trick, but when a user informs me that they have had any abnormal functioning, then I believe it is better to completely remove the older program in case a file was corrupted, and install a spanking brand new version!



Exactly when do you get the Xerces error?
What operation were you trying to complete?


When I open my Dreamweaver…

I had search this kind of problem on the internet (in google) , Some other guys have the same problem.

techie, you would certainly be right if the problem concerned the program update itself, but this is just a program problem I think.

As I said, according to the history, “Xerces panic” problem has been fixed somewhere around the build 260. So, the first thing to do is to update the old build 126 to the latest one.


as I understand it, this problem doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with avast. It’s a Dreamweaver’s problem, not avast’s.

avast has its own copy Xerces (XML parser) and does NOT share it with Dreamweaver (or any other app in the system). So I don’t see any way how I could help you - it’s clearly a problem in Dreamweaver…

The best would be to contact Dreamweaver support - I’m sure they’d be more helpful than we can be… :-\


Igor, VLK,

I fully agree with VLK. I just received an IM from taoge and he explained his use of Dreamweaver.

Apparently, his Dreamweaver may be corrupted. Since Avast does not rely upon or interact with other Xerces functions, I doubt Avast has anything to do with it.

His options are to reinstall Dreamweaver or contact their support for removal and reinstallation of their Xerces copy.

This was a simple one…wasnt’ it!


I know how you hate when I recommend removing an older copy of Avast and the use of AvClear, but I find that in the long run, it is a step that normally needs to be done anyway in elimination of causes, so I like to get it out of the way first. It really does not cause any harm except a few minutes more in time.
Allow me my little luxury. Ok? ;D


I think I have it. Their are two files within Dreamweaver that may be causing your trouble:
xerces.dll and xerces.rar

The best course of action is to reformat the program Dreamweaver.

Refer to this post for the whole story:

Technical can tell you… I don’t give up!

Hope this takes care of it…
If not, I keep on trying.


How I love to have this patience… Stay with techie and stay happy! 8)

Thaks for your help! Since my computer comes out this kind of error, I did’nt know how to do? THE Dreamweaver worked normally just one day before. So i searched this kind of problem in GOOGLE. :slight_smile: Some guys said that AVAST can solve this kind problem ,so…I put my hope on the Avast!

PS: English is not my mother tongue and my English is not very well ,so i hope you can comprehend my meaning. :slight_smile:


I think you misunderstood what the “guys” meant when they said Avast could take care of it.

Avast itself had xerces panic error problems in an earlier version but it has been corrected.

Dreamweaver CAN have similar xerces problems, and it is evident that you have them now. Reformat Dreamweaver (reinstall) and you should be ok.

If you know how, run a Diskscan and Defrag before attempting the reformat, and then run them again afterwards.

You meaning is understood.


Techie ,i understood what you said, hehe~~~~~ :slight_smile:

Since my computer comes out the problem, so i searched the solution in GOOGLE. I thought it maybe the viruses caused the system problem ,so i put hope on the Avast.  ;D

Though AVAST has not solve my problem, I thank Techie101 raman VLK their support and reply very much.

THANKS~~~~~ :smiley: