How to get rid of it?

Hello, I detected a problem while scanning with Avast4 and I thought you could help me solving it.
The antivirus program found that the Reboot.exeStartUp is infected with Win32:Trojan-gen {Delphi}. I’ve now isolated it in the cache of Avast, but I suppose it cannot stay there for a long time.
What should I do to remove it? Please, help me :-[

P.S I’m using Windows XP
I saw there were quite a lot of topics about similar problems but I almost got lost while checking all of them. That’s why I’m asking you about what concrete actions I should perform.

Thanks in advance

There is no limit to how long it can stay in the avast Chest.

Leave the file in the avast Chest (not cache) protected area where it can do no harm. You should leave it there for a week or two to ensure no harmful effects of having moved it. If there are no harmful effects, then scan it again if that scan also confirms it as infected you can delete it from within the chest.

Sorry for that mistake…

Thank you for the advice. I was not sure whether to delete it rightaway because I didn’t know whether this file was of any importance to the system.
I’ll leave it there then and see what happens :slight_smile:

Deletion as a first option or very soon after detection is not advised as there have been on occasion an incorrectly detected file and if you delete it (or move it to the Chest) you may find that it has an adverse effect (this time delay gives time to investigate and rectify). You may also find after a short that time a correction to the VPS (detection file) is made and the file is no longer detected as infected, this is why we suggest you scan it again prior to deletion from the Chest.

Welcome to the forums.

OK, I see. I’ll do as you recommend. Thanks once again.
Oh, and thanks for the welcome :wink:

Hello, again :slight_smile:
I left the Trojan in the chest just as u recommended, and after scanning some 10 days later Avast did not detect any infected files (can it detect a file, which is in the chest as infected once again?) and since I don’t notice any unusual things happening to my PC, my question is whether to delete it from within the chest?

It wouldn’t make sense to scan the virus chest by default in a regular on-demand scan, after all that is where you would expect to find them. My logic not necessarily correct.

You can open the virus chest, select the file/s you want to check and right click and select scan. Or use the menu bar, File, Scan.

If they are still detected, then delete them.

I scanned the file and it was detected as infected, so I deleted it. Now I can have a good night’s rest ;D
DavidR, thanks for the help!

No problem happy to help.