How to Get Rid of win32:malware-gen.

Hello guys,some of you may,have been victims by the infamous virus called win32:malware-gen,today i’m gonna show you how to remove this shit

1)Download avast 5 and run a full scan,avast will detect this virus,choose “move to chest”.
2)Download CCleaner run a full “scan”
3)restart your pc and start windows in SAFE MODE,run a full scan with avast.

What a wonderful information,your guide is so good,keep doing things like that,by the way i have a virus here how to move it forever ;D ;D ;D;u=140775
Thanks in advance

my next topic will be about the trojan zlob

Sorry, but if its anything like this one it won’t be worth your time as this one is meaningless.

The win32:malware-gen is a generic signature so there is no hard and fast determination of exactly was found. Though getting a win32:malware-gen detection avast is likely to be able to clean it out without any of this.

If the win32:malware-gen is a persistent detection even after removal by avast, then there is likely to be something hidden/undetected recreating the malware, then this routine is likely to be totally ineffective.


that wasnt funny

Sorry i am natural funny,but really you tell other to use those methods?
i think you joke us,or being funny

Hi superhacker,

He just had a visit from Zeus and he is still struck by it, ;D


Yeah that 's it,i was like him when i have a virut"i was little boy"

it worked for me so you just failed,sad mode on

You are still a little boy :wink: