I just want to check how to get the update files manually from the website, in case there is no internet connection available when an update is needed.
Many thanks.
Tip: to disable infections spreading automatically through the ‘autorun.inf’ function of USB sticks, use Panda USB Vaccine. It’s a free tool. Explanation and download site here:
Yes, it is possible, just go to http://www.avast.com/eng/updates.html and download latest VPS and run it after download, your avast! virus definition would update to latest version.
Not entirely sure what it is that you want here, the option given by Omid Farhang is the one if the system has no internet connection and you would do this from a different computer.
If the system has internet connection, but is temporarily available then you can do a manual update when the connection is available, right click the avast ‘a’ icon, select Updating, iAVS Update. This is much quicker as it does incremental updates so only those you have missed when the connection wasn’t available will be downloaded.
However, avast automatically checks for updates only when a connection is present (it doesn’t establish one) so when one is available it would check and do an incremental update as described above.
Not entirely sure what it is that you want here, the option given by Omid Farhang is the one if the system has no internet connection and you would do this from a different computer. David R.
The situation I had in mind arose when a friend had a malware infection. I installed the avast setup file and tried to run the update from the program, but it would not download the update files.
I later found out that my friend had the Conficker/Downadup virus, which apparently blocks access to anti-malware sites. So in a case like that it’s worth having the update definitions on a USB stick to install manually before scanning the computer.
For example, here is a link to the list of blocked sites, which also describes the other nasty stuff this piece of malware does:
Correct me if I’m wrong but once you have Confiker won’t all your running executables be infected. So won’t avast still be affected. Not to mention that once it’s on your machine Confiker spreads like wild fire forcing you to delete most of your files.
This being the case then the best option is the full VPS download or you could try the 400.vps transfer hack, though the full VPS I think in this case is best.
Having been infected by conficker, it indicates that his system was out of date an a vulnerability in windows was exploited in order to infect them. They should ensure once clear of conficker that they pay a visit to windows update and or a visit to this site, which scans your system for out of date programs that have patches to close vulnerabilities, http://secunia.com/software_inspector/.