How to grant Deep Clean permissions permanently?

I’ve had Avast Cleanup Pro for over a year, first on an Android 6 phone, more recently on an Android 8 phone. Every few days I’ve done a quick clean, and the whole time I’ve been putting up with the annoyance that every time I do a quick clean I have to grant the Deep Clean permission for it to proceed … again, and again, and again, every time. How do I get the permission to stick? I haven’t had a single other app (including Avast Mobile Security Pro, and according to System>Apps I currently have 122 apps installed) where I’ve had to grant a needed permission more than once, barring reinstallations or major updates. What’s the issue with Avast Cleanup Pro?

No answers at all?

Makes me think that no one else has ever had this problem so nobody can think of an answer … or everyone has always had this problem so everyone has given up on there being a solution.

Original phone I had Avast Cleanup Pro on was an Alcatel Pixi 4, Newer phone is an Alcatel 3V (5099Y), Have had this issue with both of them all the time I’ve been using Avast Cleanup Pro, which is getting on for two years now. No such issue with any other program that needs Accessibility service permission (or any other permission).

For the sake of anyone else suffering the problem and searching for help, I have finally solved the problem - just after submitting a support request, the answer not helping, and as I was coming to the decision that after the lack of any helpful response, giving up and cancelling my subscription for the app.

While I had thought, and the support reply appeared to suggest, the solution would be turning off ‘battery optimisation’ for the app, that did not help at all. It turned out that what solved the problem (with battery optimisation still turned on) was turning ON ‘allow auto-start’ for Avast Cleanup. Since turning that on (barring experimentally turning it off to see that the problem returned, then turning it on again to verify that solved the problem again, which it did) the permission has stuck and survived phone re-sets and updates. So - the answer at least on my phone was setting ‘allow auto-start’ to ON for the app.

Since you’ve had issues with the CLEAN I was wondering if you could tell me how to get it to not run? I have Avast Mobile Security Pro & it’s part of it. I’ve had this happen last yr so never wanted to install or run that part again. But I guess once I updated the app it’s now a part of it & my phone “air command” I believe tapped it. It never asked if I was sure to run it nor did it allow me to customize it. I always thought putting my photos on my external SD card 128 That it would be safe. I’m devastated beyond. … Thoughts how to possible get back? ???

I don’t quite understand your situation. I Have Avast Mobile Security Pro AND Avast Cleanup Premium. When Avast Cleanup is installed, it deactivates the Safe Cleanup in Avast Mobile Security Pro as Avast Cleanup offers more features. So the Smart Cleanup in my Avast Mobile Security Pro is greyed out and turned off. However, my understanding is that it does not offer a function to do automatic cleanups even when it is working. Even basic Avast Cleanup does not offer automatic cleanups: only Avast Cleanup Premium has an automatic cleanup function. So, if you do not have Avast Cleanup PREMIUM, Avast did not and cannot have automatically deleted your photos or anything else. Either you pressed to start a Smart Cleanup, then pressed again to delete the recommended files found for cleaning after the Smart Cleanup ran and showed you its recommendations. Or some other app did it. I actually have 5 apps on my phone that CAN do cleanups and deletions, including of pictures, from the cleanup app from my phone manufacturer ‘Super cleaner’ (which is terrible - it lists far too many things that are NOT for cleanup, so I never run it) to the Google ‘Files’ file manager App. I went through all and configured no automatic running, and no notifications from most of them, and just use two, including Avast Clesanup Premium, which only run when I tell them to, and I check what’s offered up for cleaning after their scans before ever letting them actually delete anything.

If you do have Avast Cleanup Premium, the setting for automatic cleaning is in the menu (three bar icon, top left of main screen) as the first item in the 'Cleanup Premium settings section - tap it and check it is set to ‘Off’. It’s also possible to configure Avast Cleanup premium to upload photos to dropbox or Google Drive, then delete them from the phone. That’s not default behaviour, but if you’ve been randomly changing settings in Avast Cleanup Premium you migth have set that, in which case your photos would be on your dropbox or Google Drive.

If you DON’T have Avast Cleanup Premium, then it’s likely some other app with a cleaning function on your phone you need to look for.