How to : remote locate without a PC

Okey, so lets say my phone gets lost on the pub… and i want to lend my pal´s Phone to locate it… How ?
(and no, lets say i DONT know the number of the device which is “stolen”)

So, how todo it ? i can do it on a PC, then i just click “Request location”, but that “homepage” is not available from the Mobile-website.

And the Avast-App just want to know my Phone#, why not make a “guest login” in the Avast-app, and let me log in as the same acount the stolen phone is, and let me track it with a nice map right there…


Ofcourse you know the number.
If not your friend will have it for you.

A guest login?
Are you serious?
That will compromise security a lot!

First of, No i dont know the number, and how come will my friend have it ?

in this scenario the phone is stolen, and my “pal” is not on the “send sms” list of new sim-card number OR i havent activated it…

and whats with the attitude ? you suppose to be some kind of admin and treating me like that ?

a “Guest” sign-in would NOT compromise security ? why would it ?
i would sign on my pals phone using the Avast-App, with E-mail and password and checking some “guest” mode, that makes nothing be saved on his phone, and i can “locate other devices” and by login in as guest, it does not add the phone i´m loggin in on to my list of “phones” … and then , when screen off it is sign-out or whatever…
even the slight security compromise by me having to type the password on another phone, on which i trust ofc, is not comparable to the critical moments right after a phone is stolen, i need to locate it fast… otherwise it might be to late.

then back to the Q here, how to send a locate request from a mobile, or even, how to know the number, when i dont have the sms function activated when the sim was changed…

You don’t know your own number?
You have no friends, relatives or something that do know your number?
Come on, get real.

You just need to login with your own information if you want to use the controls.

You already can send commands to your phone after you have logged in.

I’m not a admin or anything like that at all here.

then back to the Q here,, how to send a locate request from a mobile, or even, how to know the number, when i dont have the sms function activated when the sim was changed..
Read the manual. All is explained in there.

this scenario is when it´s been stolen, and the new-Sim-card-notification function is not activated…
i cant find any way to get the new number afterwards… even in that manual.

and that site is a joke, cant use what i need the most, which is send Location Request… if so, that site would be complete…

Look better, does have a “location”.

If you have the notification for simcard changed disabled, how do you expect to get the new number?
Only authorities can get it by using the imei number of the phone.

I have to say, i was bad at looking… but first, i was trying to which had no log-in page…

but the had it, and there the location was, just as on a PC.

so that solves my problem, kind of, all of it. thanks making me looking harder =)
but the should be more linked in the main page…

But… why not get the SIM number whenever i want, or just “store” it in the homepage, why just when you change it, should be able to Request-Phone# later on, or whenever…